Austin, TX is the largest no-kill city in the United States. As a Maddie’s Fund grantee, Austin Pets Alive! (APA!) plays a critical role in sustaining this status by developing innovative and comprehensive programs that serve key demographics of animals typically euthanized in a shelter setting. With a mission to lead by example, APA! Created the American Pets Alive! Conference (AmPA!) to show other communities how to apply and manage the same lifesaving programs that helped make Austin No-Kill.
These conference presentations have been recorded by Maddie's Fund with a focus on how to reach the no-kill nation goal in your own community. Learn how to set up programs that focus on increasing lifesaving, presented by leading experts in the field of animal welfare.
The views expressed here are those of the individual presenter, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Maddie's Fund.
Advancing the No-Kill Movement through State and Local Politics
January 2017
Learn how you can make a difference by advancing the No-Kill movement in your area through local and state politics.
Best Friends Society's Legislative Work to Save Them All
February 2017
How legal issues affect you and ways you can help change things for animals.
Breed Restrictions in Housing - Panel Discussion
January 2017
The panel covers how breed restrictions impact "pitbull" terriers and what can be done to remove or bypass the restrictions.
Data: Why It Is Critical to Success and How to Keep Up with It - Part 1
February 2017
Learn how data can improve the care of your animals and provide you with vital reporting necessary to improve your organization.
Data: Why It Is Critical to Success and How to Keep Up with It - Part 2
February 2017
Learn how data can improve the care of your animals and provide you with vital reporting necessary to improve your organization.
Finding Their Way Back Home: Increasing Return to Owner Rates
February 2017
Learn how these organizations are leading the way towards a centralized, national database where shelters, vet clinics, volunteers and the public can all share the same lost and found pet listings.
Fostering: Saving More Dogs with Behavioral Challenges
February 2017
Learn proven methods that will help you save 90% or more of dogs with behavioral problems.
Fundraising: Startup and Beyond - Part 1
January 2017
Learn what you will need to raise funds effectively when you're a new or relatively small organization.
Fundraising: Startup and Beyond - Part 2
January 2017
Part two of this workshop covers issues faced by organizations as they grow larger, diving deeper into the details of creating an overall funding strategy.
Getting a Busy Journalist's Attention
January 2017
Hear tips on how you can get your shelter or rescue stories told.
Getting to No Kill: How Austin Did It
January 2017
Hear the presenters review the decisions that were made, the communication used, the committees that were formed, the work that was divided up and the strategy that brought the City of Austin to no-kill.
Hospice for Cats and Dogs
February 2017
Learn how Austin works to save the last few hard to place seniors through the use of specialized hospice foster homes for dogs and cats.
Let's Keep Community Cats in the Community Where They Belong
January 2017
This workshop will help you reduce your intake and euthanasia numbers while helping you focus on increasing your adoption and live release rate.
Lifesaving Animal Control Policies
February 2017
Learn how to leverage limited resources to engage the community in animal welfare and keep people and pets safe.
Lifesaving on a Dime with ACT! Ohio
January 2017
Hear how Act! Ohio is able to save neglect cases, advocate for "pitbulls" and educate both officers and children.
Lifesaving Programs for Shelters
January 2017
Is your shelter's policies saving lives or costing them? This session shows how one shelter underwent a complete transformation with one goal in mind, to save lives.
Matchmaking - Working with Adopters and Pets to Increase Adoptions
February 2017
Learn about how this program develops and maintains cutting-edge initiatives aimed at decreasing dog length of stay and improving the success rate of adoptions.
No Cat Left Behind: How to Get Special Needs Cats Adopted
February 2017
Learn how to place special needs cats through innovative programs, marketing, and adopter support.
Reducing Cat Intake
February 2017
Learn how the Austin Animal Center (AAC) saves more than 95% of cats.
Removing Breed Labels: It's Easier Than You Think
February 2017
We know all dogs are individuals and that most dogs are identified visually and much of the time, incorrectly.
Removing Breed Labels: It's Easier Than You Think
February 2017
Most of the dogs entering the shelter should be identified as mixed breeds.
Saving Parvo Positive Puppies
February 2017
Learn about APA!'s parvo treatment protocols, testing, decontamination, and volunteer participation.
Savings Lives with No Budget and Partnering to Spread No-Kill: The Kirby Animal Shelter Story
January 2017
Learn how a shelter in Kirby, Texas went from a 6% live release rate to over 90%.
Shelter Photography: Creating Pet Celebrities
February 2017
Learn the importance of good quality images and how easy it is to create these images using these techniques.
Technology: How Smart Decisions Can Save Lives And Money
February 2017
How properly managing data will save you more money.
Using Social Media to Maximize Your Lifesaving Potential
January 2017
In this session, you'll learn 15 must-know rules for maximizing your lifesaving potential with social media.